Just Released! Adams Central and Southwest Allen were the only two schools in northeast Indiana, of the 25 schools throughout the state of Indiana, to receive the 2022 Digital Learning Grant in the amount of $50,000. The Digital Learning Grant sponsored by the Indiana Department of Education Office of Digital Learning is awarded to schools for the purpose of leading and supporting the improvement of blended and online learning.
Adams Central has been diligently working to incorporate and improve digital learning opportunities for all students K-12. This year, Adams Central completed a 1:1 device initiative to ensure students in K-5 each had an iPads. iPads provide a lot of flexibility and many opportunities for interactive learning.
The digital grant will be used to purchase interactive SmartBoards for Adams Central in the remaining core subject areas in the middle and high school. Utilizing our trained technology mentors, teachers will be provided professional learning and support on best practices to utilize the interactive smart boards to engage Adams Central learners K-12. Students at Adams Central can interact with the SmartBoard programs to view diagrams, charts, videos, and more. We are grateful to the IDOE for selecting us as a recipient of the 2022-2023 Digital Learning Grant.